Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In Class Essay 2

                Sir Philip Sydney’s “Thou Blind Man’s Mark” creates a mood of caution. It is evident within the poem that when dealing with desire one must be careful and strong willed. This warning of caution lets the reader know that Sir Philip Sydney feels that desire is dangerous, evil, and a monster. His attitude towards desire is conveyed through techniques such as structure and figurative language.
                The structure of the poem is divided into three different parts that allows the reader to grasp the author’s attitude effectively. Each part has a specific purpose to address how he feels about desire. Lines 1-4 (Thou blind man’s…whose end is never wrought) describes desire in a way that allows the reader to see how Sir Philip Sydney feels about desire. Words such as “snare” and “web” describe desire as a trap that one cannot easily escape. Lines 5-11 (Desire, desire…thy smoky fire) tells the reader the effects of desire once caught in its trap. Desire causes one to chase fruitless and unyielding dreams. It causes one to be distracted from his or her true goal. Lines 12-14 (For virtue…how to kill desire.) is where it tells how to deal with desire. By focusing on one goal or reward you can overcome desire if that goal is to “kill desire”. This three part structure fulfills the author’s purpose in letting the reader know how he views desire has something evil and to be vanquished.
                Figurative language is actively used throughout the poem to convey the overall mood and feel of the poem. Phrases such as “Thou blind man’s mark, thou fool’s chosen snare” and “Thou web of will, whose end is never wrought” uses comparison to describe desire in the views of Sir Philip Sidney. These phrases imply that desire is a self-made trap that one does realize he or she is trapped in hence the phrase “Thou blind man’s mark, thou fool’s chosen snare”. The phrase “Thou web of will, whose end is never wrought” implies that since it is a “web” created by yourself it is inescapable because you don’t realize you’ve been caught.  This use of figurative language leads to thought that this evil entity desire born within you turns you into a monster that has woven your downfall.
                The way Sir Philip Sidney depicts desire as an evil entity shows his true attitude towards desire. His use of structure and figurative language builds desire as character itself within the poem and the way he builds desire as a character lets the reader know how he feels about desire. He sees desire as an evil entity and an enemy that is nearly impossible to defeat unless one’s desire is to “kill desire”.

Monday, April 29, 2013

In Class Essay 1

                The Poisonwood Bible introduces a well civilized family into a completely new and drastic change in environment. Moving from their comfortable homes in the United States to the hostile and extreme environment in Congo, Africa the family has been significantly impacted on how they grow and develop. The overwhelming change in environment pushes the characters to change and the environment itself molds the characters as the story progresses. It’s not only the physical surroundings and geographical surroundings, but also the cultural environment that shape the characters throughout the novel.
                The harsh physical and geographical surroundings of the African village pushed characters to change and come to sudden realizations about themselves. Adah, a crippled teenager, had a dim and backward view on her life and for the most part did not get involved with society or with others unless it was absolutely necessary. She exiled herself from society seeing herself as not fitting in or of being any use. Africa’s physical and geographical surroundings changed her psychological state of mind. One day while walking with her sister a Lion appears out of nowhere. Adah is abandoned and put into a life threatening situation but is able to survive despite being crippled. This event causes her to value her own life and to become not so detached from the world. It is this event that pushes her to become a active and involved scientist. The state of her psychological thinking was turned completely around due to her physical and geographical surroundings.
                The cultural environment of the African village caused a character named Leah to change her moral views. Leah at first is absolutely devoted to the ways and views of her Christian Father. She shares all the same views and beliefs on what is right and wrong with him. The cultural environment wears down Leah’s faith in her father and her religion. The political and social state of Congo causes Leah to feel compassionate towards the Congo independence movement. She falls in love with the African culture and marries and African man. She drops her shared moral views with her father to pursue her own moral views in justice and freedom. The remainder of her life she fights for Congo independence.
                The extreme change in geographical and cultural surroundings has caused characters in The Poisonwood Bible to change and mold their psychological state and moral views.  Adah and Leah’s complete change throughout the novel illuminates the author’s work as a whole. The introduction to an alien environment can cause one to grow and realize who they are and what they want to do.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Poetry Essay Question 2

                Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” clearly shows an inner conflict within the main character, Hamlet, that tears him between two choices. His choice between live for revenge or death is what drives the theme and plot of the play. He is often portrayed as a mad man throughout the play as it fits his mental instability brought by these conflicting choices. Through Hamlet’s inner conflict Shakespeare is able to convey his theme of revenge.
                Due to a series of events Hamlet contemplates between the choice of life and death. His father has died and his mother remarried to his uncle. He wonders if life is still worth living and considers suicide to be an escape. He finds purpose when confronted by the ghost of his father who reveals that it was Claudius who murdered him. Hamlet seeks to carry out an act of revenge which gives him a reason to live. Despite finding purpose Hamlet still considers suicide to be a viable choice. The option of suicide gives birth to an inner conflict in Hamlet. He could carry out his act of revenge and possibly feel inner peace at the end or he could just end his life where he stands and be rid of his nightmare. Hamlet’s indecisiveness leads him to becoming mentally unstable and causes him to carry out rash actions of revenge.
                The choice of suicide is what offer Hamlet an escape which for Hamlet is an attracting choice, but the thought of his uncle going unpunished for his crimes drives him towards a mad plot of revenge. The looming choice of suicide is present throughout the play. Hamlet wants to end his suffering in an instant but can’t due to his plot for revenge. The thought of suicide clearly shows Hamlet’s state of mental instability and Shakespeare uses this to drive the plot of the play

Poetry Essay Question 1

This passage from The Crossing does not give much information about the man or the wolf, only the man’s deep feelings towards the wolf. As the man looks upon the wolf he develops great feelings of admiration and respect. These intense feelings are conveyed to the reader through techniques such as tone, imagery, and figurative language.
                The tone set by the passage conveys the man’s feeling of awe and praise towards the wolf. The tone reaches a level of praise from lines 40-46 (He squatted over…running in the starlight). The tone is so engrained into the text that it gives the reader the same feelings. This tone is evidence of the man’s intense feelings and emotions that he experienced through this event. These mixtures of tones shows the impact the wolf had on the man spiritually and emotionally.
                McCarthy’s use of imagery is extremely effective in correlating the man’s emotions and his senses.  Lines  40-44 (He squatted…her bloodied forehead) shows the man’s actions expressed in a physical form, “sat by her and put his hand upon her blooded forehead and closed his own eyes”.  The emotions expressed through his actions shows that the man is intrigued and indulged by the wolf’s cold dead body.
                The figurative language used throughout the passage created feelings of admiration and respect. It is the vivid descriptions of the wolf in her natural habitat that creates these feelings. For example the description of how the coyotes react to the wolf in lines 52-54 (Where she ran… was fear and marvel) shows how majestic and powerful the wolf was. Lines 55-58 the wolf is compared to a flower that eats flesh. This comparison enlightens us to the beauty of the wolf.
                To what degree the wolf has impacted the main character is made clear through the man’s thoughts and actions throughout the passage. The wolf enlightened the man through her beauty and power. By using these literary techniques the author has created a mood of admiration and respect that is reflected in the man.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

GRIDLOCK (A Lemon by Pablo Neruda)

Meaning: Pablo Neruda is expressing the deeper layers in everyone and everything. Including a lemon. He is illustrating how as you delve deeper you find deeper meaning and more surprising things.

Antecedent Scenario: Well if I had to make an educated guess I would say that Pablo Neruda was studying a lemon to great extend before writing this poem.

Tone: The overall tone I got from "A Lemon" was admiration and passion. Now that might seem weird to have admiration for a lemon but what I believe Pablo Neruda was going for was the lemon's great qualities and how it can be applied to everyone and everything.

Agency: The main agent in this poem is the lemon. The lemon does not change throughout the poem. The lemon only gets described in more detail as the poem progresses.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So I read "A Lemon" by Pablo Neruda seven times. Honestly every time I read it I had a different insight. At first I thought Pablo Neruda was just trying to paint a vivid picture of a lemon with words and for the most part he succeeded. But by the time I got to my seventh reading I had a different view. I began to think this was talking about Earth and how the juices flowing down might be like the rain and the trees are the nipples. It is talking about how giving Mother Earth is and enriches the Earth with its nourishment.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Multiple Choice:
  1. a
  2. b
  3. d
  4. b
  5. c
  6. f
  7. f
  8. a
  9. c
  10. b
  11. d
  12. a
  13. a
  14. b
  15. c

RESPONSE TO LIT CIRCLES (Kafka on the Shore)

Kafka on the Shore
Multiple Choice:
  1. d
  2. b
  3. d
  4. d
  5. a
  6. d
  7. c
  8. b
  9. b
  10. b
  11. d
  12. b
  13. b
  14. a
  15. d
  16. c
  17. c
  18. a
  19. c
  20. c
  21. c
  22. a
  23. b
  24. c
  25. a
  26. a
  27. c
  28. c
  29. b
  30. b
  31. b
  32. b
  33. c
  34. c
  35. a
  36. c
  37. b
  38. b
  39. a
  40. c
  41. b
  42. b
  43. c
  44. c
  45. c
  46. b
  47. b
  48. a
  49. b
  50. b

Write an essay explaining how the use of telling a story from multiple perspectives furthers the readers understanding of the novel.
There are many advantages to having multiple perspectives of the same story. It allows for the reader to piece together parts of each story and to gain greater understanding. One perspective might shine more light on a particular part of the story then the other perspectives. Readers are able to truly grasp the story when it is told from many different angles.
A story with multiple perspectives allows the reader to understand the feelings and views of multiple characters. A character might have different feelings or thoughts on events than that of another character. It allows for greater understanding and conflicts that might stir up due to different feelings or thought on the same particular subject or event. It gives insight to the reader who might be putting the pieces together.

A story with multiple perspectives reveals the story from several different angles. Depending on the character the angle from which the story is told from can be completely different from that of another. This shines light on events that might have been left out from a different version of the same story.

A story with multiple perspectives gives the reader greater insight. A different perspective can show the reader the opposite side of the coin. It not only gives the reader a greater understanding of the story, but also greater understanding of the characters.

RESPONSES TO LIT CIRCLES (Slaughterhouse Five)

Slaughterhouse Five
Multiple Choice:
  1. d.
  2. c
  3. a
  4. c
  5. a
  6. c
  7. b
  8. b
  9. b
  10. c
  11. b
  12. b
  13. a
  14. b
  15. b
  16. a
  17. c
  18. b
  19. b
  20. a
  21. a
  22. a
  23. a
  24. d
  25. b
  26. b
  27. d
  28. c
  29. d
  30. a
  31. b
  32. b
  33. a
  34. d
  35. d
  36. b
  37. b
  38. b
  39. b
  40. d
  41. c
  42. d
  43. d
  44. b
  45. b
  46. d
  47. d
  48. d
  49. a
  50. a
1. Explain how war affects modern life and society as it did in Slaughterhouse Five.
It has often been war that has changed the trajectory of societies history. War effects modern life and society through technology and new ideas. It changes the way people think and gives new perspective. After war starts a period of rebirth and recovery. Slaughterhouse Five portrays how war effects society as it would in reality.
Technology is huge part of society and accounts for how society functions. War effects technology in that it speeds up the process of technological developments. Much of the technology today comes from devices built for war. This is all due to the fact that war is also a competition of who has the better technology. Whoever has the better technology will win. After the war is over the technology that was developed for war is transitioned into society.
With war comes new ideas that changes history. It gives birth to ideas and which ever side wins gets to test those ideas. These ideas form the base of society. These ideas may include new form of government or new policies to prevent future wars. It adds onto preexisting ideas and allows for society to move forward.
Wars are dark chapters in the human history, but have allowed society to be what it is today. From destruction comes a process of rebuilding and through that process something new is added to society. Modern life and society is what it is today due to war.

2. Free will is often described as an illusion. What are your views, is free will an illusion or do we choose our own path? The authors? And how did he convey these view points.
Humans have always hoped to achieve free will in society. Complete free will is an illusion built in the human mind to make one believe that he or she is in complete control of his or her destiny. Free will is blocked by society. 
Since the moment a human is born free will is stripped away. The life you are born into is not by any means your choice. As you grow up you are bound by the life you were born into whether it be being born into a wealthy or poor family. As you grow older you have options but those choices are limited due to society. You must make money to survive. Society strips away your free by giving you only a few paths to choose.
 By giving you only a limited options you are tricked into believing the illusion of free will. Some have more free will more then others but ultimately we are chained to what life gives us. It is up to you to make the best of what you got.

3. "So it goes" Explain the role of death in the societies of Slaughterhouse Five? What is the role of death in our society?
Death is often a tragic but necessary part of life. In Slaughterhouse Five “So it goes” is used when someone dies. This is used so casually due to the fact that it points out even though a person has died in that particular moment he or she is alive in other moments. This belief captures the theme that in “time” they all coexist and haven't necessarily disappeared.
In Slaughterhouse Five the phrase “So it goes” keeps a tally of deaths throughout the novel. It gives the reader the sense that everyone dies and there is no escape from it. Death is just another tool used by the author to explain how when one dies he or she still exists in another time.Death in our society if broken down simply has the role of keeping the population down. There is a limited resource and death makes it so not much of that resource is used up all at once. On a more emotional level death gives birth to “will”. When one dies he or she passes on his or her will to the next generation and to the one after that.
Death has been the biggest mystery of life. It has many roles and is necessary. It allows for growth to take shape within in the ones that are still living.