Sunday, April 21, 2013

RESPONSE TO LIT CIRCLES (Kafka on the Shore)

Kafka on the Shore
Multiple Choice:
  1. d
  2. b
  3. d
  4. d
  5. a
  6. d
  7. c
  8. b
  9. b
  10. b
  11. d
  12. b
  13. b
  14. a
  15. d
  16. c
  17. c
  18. a
  19. c
  20. c
  21. c
  22. a
  23. b
  24. c
  25. a
  26. a
  27. c
  28. c
  29. b
  30. b
  31. b
  32. b
  33. c
  34. c
  35. a
  36. c
  37. b
  38. b
  39. a
  40. c
  41. b
  42. b
  43. c
  44. c
  45. c
  46. b
  47. b
  48. a
  49. b
  50. b

Write an essay explaining how the use of telling a story from multiple perspectives furthers the readers understanding of the novel.
There are many advantages to having multiple perspectives of the same story. It allows for the reader to piece together parts of each story and to gain greater understanding. One perspective might shine more light on a particular part of the story then the other perspectives. Readers are able to truly grasp the story when it is told from many different angles.
A story with multiple perspectives allows the reader to understand the feelings and views of multiple characters. A character might have different feelings or thoughts on events than that of another character. It allows for greater understanding and conflicts that might stir up due to different feelings or thought on the same particular subject or event. It gives insight to the reader who might be putting the pieces together.

A story with multiple perspectives reveals the story from several different angles. Depending on the character the angle from which the story is told from can be completely different from that of another. This shines light on events that might have been left out from a different version of the same story.

A story with multiple perspectives gives the reader greater insight. A different perspective can show the reader the opposite side of the coin. It not only gives the reader a greater understanding of the story, but also greater understanding of the characters.

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