Sunday, February 17, 2013


At a gradual pace I am making my way towards my SMART goal. I have only gotten about 3 scholarships but have applied for many more and am still applying. It seems most of my time goes into applying for scholarships these days. I would say I have made progress but not tremendous progress as during this first grading period I am not really notified if I got a scholarship or not.

The senior project my group has merely discussed on what we should do but have not actually begun. I think this isn't a problem as this senior project needs planning and time. It wouldn't do us any good to rush the senior project but it also wont benefit us to procrastinate either.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the literary terms and I commend your work ethic on filling out the scholarships. You are missing the BOB I assignment. I look forward to seeing it when you post it.
